Independent Advice : Independent consulting/ advice for web hosting packages, email solutions |
Essential: What do your really need with a web hosting package? Server space, monthly transfers, emails, statistics and many more tools. |
Reliable: You could have your own server hosting your web site, but do you have the technical knowledge to troubleshoot?

Decision Making Process
Decision Making Process for Ecommerce
Do potential clients visit your web site and will they directly buy the product or service?
John Cato’s Model of Interaction Design
- Awareness - Do you sell the product I need
- Understanding - Is the product exactly the product I think it is? (product numbers/ photos colors explanation in detail is needed)
- Purpose - Where can I use the product for?
- Choices - Different models, colors, sizes, brands?
- Action - Easy check out, payment
AIDA Model
The AIDA model is a hierarchical model follows the decision making process from "knowing the product exist" until "making the purchase".
- Attention
- Interest
- Desire
- Action
When a potential customer visits the web site, it will go through one or more steps before making the purchase. Important to understand is that:
- Lots of visitors to the website are just browsing/ looking around - paying high ppc (pay-per-click) advertising cost might not be effective.
- The bounce rate (leaving the web site within 10 seconds) is often 60-75% depending on the amount of traffic from search engines and the product/service offered.
- Customers need extensive information about the product as they can not touch it - provide all details on the website.
- Easy excess to customer support - phone, live chat, email - is important to help with the decision making and convert a potential sale into a sale.

Web usability: have an excellent user experience on a the web site. Simple things like, can I find the product I am looking for -how much is the shipping cost - why should I buy here...etc..
Improving the web usability on a web site can improve how content user are when browsing the web site and it can improve the conversion (into sales) significantly.
Positive Web Site Experience
Receiving a significant amount of potential clients to the web site is great but are these potential clients?:
- finding the right information?
- getting excellent customer support?
- finding the products services they are looking for?
- getting the desire to purchase the product now?
Email Newsletters to get exciting customer back to the website.
Get more out of your website: Extensive one-on-one training/ consulting to
improve your web site.
Optimize you web site for effective key word phrases: